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Diablo III's real-money auction house explained

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Blizzard explains how players will attempt to replace the jobs they currently hold with Diablo III
Activision Blizzard

Headquartered in Santa Monica, California, Activision Blizzard, Inc. is a worldwide pure-play online...


Blizzard Entertainment


With Diablo III coming in just two weeks, Blizzard has detailed how its auction house will operate in-game. The game will offer two different auction houses that players can switch between at any time: the in-game gold auction house and the real-money auction house. The houses are further separated into three independent regions:
The Americas - Covering US, Canada, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia. Europe - European Union, Eastern Europe, Russia, Africa, and Middle Eastern countries such as Israel and the United Arab Emirates. Asia - South Korea and the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.
Those who use the real-money auction house will be subject to certain transaction fees when selling items. For equipment, Blizzard takes a $1.00 transaction fee per item. For other commodities, like gems, dyes, and recipes, Blizzard will take 15 percent of the final sale price. Players can have their real-money earnings transferred to their Battle.net account, or transferred out to Paypal for a 15 percent transfer free.
Blizzard has also announced that players can play on other regions outside their own, though they'll remain restricted to their home region for the real-money auction house. Characters, items, and friends lists will not transfer across regions.
The full skinny on the auction house can be found on Blizzard's official site for the game. Diablo III will be out on May 15, 2012.


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