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Black Ops II trailer nears 10m views on YouTube

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
While some of the games press chooses to dwell on the odd notion that Call of Duty has lost its appeal, the public as a whole continue to go crazy for the franchise.
Having released the first trailer for the game on YouTube on Tuesday (May 1st) the video has already passed. 9.5m views and should hit 10m by the end of the day.
And it’s not just the video that has gamers excited, either.
Amazon yesterday announced that the game has smashed the day one pre-order numbers of 2010’s Black Ops by a factor of three.
All signs point to a mammoth three weeks at the end of the year. EA will be aggressively marketing Medal of Honor: Warfighter ahead of its October 23rd release. Then Microsoft will step up with the release of Halo 4 on Nov 6th before Black Ops II arrives on November 13th.

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