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COD Elite rival Battlefield Premium to be unveiled at E3

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
EA will unveil Battlefield Premium, a rival to Activision's Call of Duty Elite subscription service, at its E3 press conference next month, a new report by Battlefieldo claims.An official reveal is expected on 4th June, the date of EA's annual E3 extravangaza."Battlefield Premium will land you a number of content drops with unique in-game items not available anywhere else," a description of the service revealed."First out is the one-of-a-kind Premium knife and black dog tag, plus a set of soldier camos, weapon camos, dog tags and Assignments that will make sure you stand out and get more personalization options."The report also lists a number of other dates for Battlefield content, including word of an as-yet unnanounced fifth expansion.Upcoming indoor-shooting fest Close Quarters will arrive 12th June, followed by extra "bonus content" in August, third expansion Armored Kill in the autumn and fourth expansion End Game this winter.The untitled fifth expansion is apparently due to launch in March 2013.


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