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Fable: The Journey uses Milo's Kinect tech

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Peter Molyneux’s Milo may never see light of day, but a part of it lives on with Fable: The Journey.
Polygon reports that the skeletal tracking system that interprets player’s gestures.
But there’s plenty of new tech, too. For instance, the new Fable can be played sitting down – which was infamously a big challenge for Kinect in the past. And the coding included in this new title is a further evolution compared to similar tech found in Forza 4 and Gunslinger.
"With Forza you had to sit slightly on the edge of your seat. But they were a year ago, so we've got an extra year on that. In Journey you can slouch,” studio co-founder Marc Webley stated.
“It doesn't worry that you have your coffee table over there, you don't have to clear space. That was an important step change: people don't have to re-jig their living space.
Creative director Gary Carr added: "I think that with Kinect there are going to be some step changes that will make the games come through. And one of those things is seated gameplay. Because I think a lot of developers were just waiting for that kind of technology.
“It's easier for us to develop it because we're first party, we've got Microsoft supporting us. It's not fair on third parties to write this kind of technology. It takes time and it's probably taken us the best part of two and a half years to write it. Now I think once this is released back to the industry, we'll just see lots of long-play games where you can sit down and play."


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