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Futulele goes live for iPad

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Futulele has come a long way since we saw it in March; it's now on the App Store and has put on a lot of sheen in return for slipping past the original April release target. Along with a few more flowers to reinforce the Hawaiian vibe, Amidio's definitive ukelele app has since gained the requisite support for the new iPad's graphics and a fully automatic mode, just in case you're not yet a virtual Jake Shimabukuro. If your ambitions do involve playing for yourself, you still have access to the promised maximum 132 chords (12 per set) with the flexibility to adjust chorus, delay, EQ and reverb in addition to recording those plucky creations. We're still waiting on the Futulele Remote app (and matching case) to choose chords more like we would on the real deal, but you can do it all on the iPad for now if you're willing to spend a fiver at the App Store. A flower necklace and an impressionable young lover are optional.


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