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Fall of Cybertron gets retro Optimus Prime DLC

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Activision is targeting the die-hard Transformer fans with its pre-order DLC offering in the US for Transformers: Fall of Cybertron.
The publisher has announced that customers who pre-order the game from either GameStop or EB Games in the US will receive a code to unlock a generation one version of Autobot leader Optimus Prime for use in-game.
The design isn’t a direct G1 port – it differs from the original design – but is certainly a very close fit while staying true to High Moon Studios’ FOC aesthetic.
Also offered are a G1-inspired Megatron Gun and Shockwave Blast Cannon.
Those who pre-order from Amazon, meanwhile, receive a skin to make the game’s all-star combiner Bruticus more accurately represent the character’s G2 colours.
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron will be released in the UK on August 31st.


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