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Aliens: Colonial Marines Collector's Edition, Gamestop pre-order bonus now official

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Aliens: Colonial Marines may have been delayed all the way until February 12 of next year, but at least we can take solace in knowing that the Collector's Edition leaked back in January is not only the Real Deal with Bill McNeal, but is even more legit than previously indicated.

For $100, the Collector's Edition includes a Powerloader vs. Xenomorph statuette and a USCM dossier containing a mission brief, a schematic of the USS Sephora, a recruitment card, iron-on badges, recon photos and a USCM graduation certificate. It also comes with digital goodies, not the least of which is the ability to play as the film's Apone, Drake, Hicks and Hudson.

You'll also receive Ripley's flamethrower, "additional marine customization options," two bonus multiplayer weapons ("Sonic Electromagnetic Ball Breakers" and "Phase Plasma Rifle") and an exclusive level, the USCM Academy Firing Range. Pre-ordering the standard edition from Gamestop will net you the four bonus characters, customization options and Ripley's flamethrower, but none of the other content/toys. You will, however, have an extra $40 in your pocket, and won't need to explain the Exosqaud figurine on your desk.


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