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Star Wars 1313 Aims for the Thinking Gamer

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Listening to LucasArts' creative team talk about Star Wars 1313 brings a growing sense of hope that this game is going to be the real deal. Of course, we've been slightly disappointed by Star Wars games from LucasArts in recent years, but it's possible that one of the reasons for this malaise is a certain problem with the Star Wars universe as a whole, the lack of vulnerability among its central characters.
Look, the Star Wars universe is very cool - futuristic space opera, trans-species interactions, powerful political machinations, some fantastic characters - it's great fun. However, (and I realize this is a personal view) the mystical stuff just leaves me cold. I really don't care about super-human beings roaming the worlds and moving furniture with their minds or communing with the ether to create spangly magic weapons. I like my heroes merely slightly-more-powerful than the rest of us. Human (or whatever) except more-so.
In Star Wars 1313, the protagonist (unnamed, as yet) is a bounty hunter on a quest. He has gadgets and weapons but no special-powers My colleague Anthony Gallegos described it as "Star Wars meets Uncharted" adding, after a demo at E3 that the game "just might be a new hope."


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