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Mojang's Scrolls approaching closed alpha stage

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Minecraft developer Mojang has revealed that its next game, Scrolls, is close to entering the closed alpha stage.
“We are rapidly approaching the closed alpha of Scrolls,” the game’s official blog stated. “Although this alpha version will be far from a feature complete version of the game, it will include multiplayer matches, single player matches vs AI and the Deck Builder, where you can build your decks out of the 100+ scrolls that currently exist in the game.
“As we get closer to a stable build, we will stop the closed alpha, and move to an open beta, where you will be able to buy the game at a reduced price and with some added benefits (more about that later).
“At that point, we will also look to include the single player world, where you can explore and do battle to earn new scrolls to your collection.
“Keep in mind, that the beta will not be feature complete. We will still have a big bag of goodies that we plan to include over time, such as an auction house where you may buy or sell scrolls from each other and additional features in the world such as character customization, items, quests and so on.
“If you’re wondering why we would release a game that’s obviously not finished, the reason is simple: We want your feedback in good time to help us shape Scrolls to be the next big online Collectible Card Game!”


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