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Sword & Sworcery EP gets iPhone date

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
An iPhone version of eccentric iOS adventure Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP hits the App Store on Thursday.

Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP Micro will cost £1.79 and include all the same content as the original iPad game.
Those who already own the iPad version but now want to play on their iPhone are also being catered for. An update, also due to go live on Thursday, makes it a universal app playable across all compatible Apple touch screen devices.
"The S:S&S EP project began life on the smaller touchtronic machines so many of the key art and design decisions were made with this very particular form factor in mind," read a post on the game's website.
"While the size of the iPad is certainly a treat for S:S&S EP, the tiny machine is definitely 'the way it was meant to be' - it's an entire little world you can slip into your pocket at any time.
"In many many ways this is the most significant launch for the project and it is also something of a homecoming - so please help us make some noize!"
Developed by Critter Crunch/Clash of Heroes studio Capybara Games, the game originally launched on iPad last month, picking up a 7/10 from Eurogamer's John Teti.
"There's no doubt of the passion and heart that went into the creation of Sword & Sworcery. The artistry is extraordinary," he wrote. "The resulting art is not, not quite."

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