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Madden 13 emphasizing post-launch support, first update in September

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
The first title update for Madden NFL 13 is scheduled for September 11, two weeks after the launch of the game on August 28. While we have no details yet on what the update will include, post-launch support for the game is expected to increase compared with last year's game. Madden 12's first title update came roughly seven weeks after the game's launch.

The game's "tuner sets" feature, which was included and hardly used inMadden 12, gives the development team the opportunity to issue small gameplay tweaks without the use of a full title update. EA Tiburon's team plans to "closely monitor community feedback and will quickly release tuners based on any major issues reported." The same can't be said for Madden 12, as its lack of consistent updates became a glaring issue in sports gaming communities such as Pastapadre and OperationSports.

"The team is absolutely committed to post-launch support, and we will make it a point to keep you updated on title updates, tuner sets, roster updates, new Madden Moments Live and more," EA said in a statement to Joystiq. Providing the Madden team sticks to its goals, Madden 13 is likely to receive more post-launch support out of the gate than last year's game had entirely.


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