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Will Torres Going to Chelsea Make them strong enough to take on Real Madrid and Barca

Rating: 2 votes, 5.00 average.
personally unless you use the same tactics that Inter Milan used against Barca last year then i dont see anyone beating barca

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  1. Martin's Avatar
    Yeah I agree. Barca killed Real Madrid in the Derby not too long ago, 5-0.

    If Torres can find his form then Chelsea will be lethal up front with Drogba as target and Torres making the runs.
  2. wraggster's Avatar
    yeah mournhos tactics were well wrong that day, barca are great but certainly not unbeatable
  3. Martin's Avatar
    I think you need to play very aggressive (high pressure) against them, which is of course no easy task since they're so skilled. But you can't let them have the ball for 60-70% of the match because they'll eventually destroy you.
  4. wraggster's Avatar
    yeah ive never seen such a gifted team of passers, chelsea were great against them the other year but the ref was an arse who wouldnt give chelsea the penalties they deserved


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