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Doubts over DMC's Dante dissipating, Capcom says

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
When Capcom first ripped the lid off the Devil May Cry series reboot, dubbedDmC: Devil May Cry, fans were angry with developer Ninja Theory's direction – specifically, Dante's new look and surroundings. Capcom US Producer Alex Jones understands this initial concern, but believes outrage is dissipating.

"There was always going to be people who saw new Dante and who didn't want it, and that's fine. Being angry about it – yeah I get that – but we always said, 'When you see the game and you play it, trust me, you're going to understand that we were doing the right thing.' Now that's happening," Jones tells VG24/7. "So yeah it's vindication, but it's not like smugly sitting back and going 'ha ha.' It's more like, 'We understand why you guys had doubts, and we knew that we had to prove this to you, and we were happy to do it.' That was our responsibility."

Despite Dante's new look, Jones says there's a lot to the character that will be familiar to fans of the series – and not just his twin pistols and sword. "He's still irreverent, he's still – at the end of the day – the guy who will kick your ass and drop a cool one liner afterwards."

The interview delves into story and other philosophies behind Ninja Theory's reboot, so hit up the source link below to read the full interview.


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