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The Sims 3 Supernatural launches worldwide today

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
EA has today announced that The Sims 3 Supernatural Expansion Pack is now available at retailers nationwide and for digital download on PC and Mac.
In The Sims 3 Supernatural, players will experience the madness of the werewolves’ full moon, the menace of vampires, the magic of witches, and the mischief of fairies as they explore the new world of Moonlight Falls.
“This expansion pack adds a new, magical dimension to The Simsexperience, opening up a world of storytelling possibilities,” said Kari St. John, senior producer for The Sims Studio. “We’re excited to put creative tools in the hands of our players, giving them the ability to tell contemporary stories inspired by this supernatural theme.”
Aside from a cast of new supernatural characters, The Sims 3 Supernatural offers many additional gameplay features available to all Sims in the game, supernatural or not. Any player can choose to build their Sim’s skill in alchemy, mixing a variety of potent elixirs that range from love potions to vampiric sunscreen and even zombification brews.


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