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'Hardest RPG ever' Dark Souls could get an 'easy mode'

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Dark Souls has made its name on being hard. Like, really hard.
And while its success has come on the back of the stiff challenge it offers – and conversely on the achievement felt by those who topple it – the game’s director Hidetaka Miyazaki is considering the introduction of an ‘easy’ mode.
“I personally want my games to be described as satisfying rather than difficult,” he told Metro. “As a matter of fact, I am aiming at giving players sense of accomplishment in the use of difficulty.
“Having said that, however, it is true that Dark Souls is rather difficult and a number of people may hesitate to play. This fact is really sad to me and I am thinking about whether I should prepare another difficulty that everyone can complete or carefully send all gamers the messages behind our difficult games.
“However, I suppose gamers do not particularly prefer easy games. What they want is interesting and worthwhile games to play, so I think it is natural that hindrance or stress that does not attribute to such interesting and worthwhile elements will be removed in the end.
“If the number of easy games is increasing nowadays, I guess it is because difficulty is not related to interesting and worthwhile game elements in many games among players.”


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