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Zynga launches FarmVille 2

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Zynga has released the sequel to its monstrously popular Facebook game FarmVille.
"We recognise that there are players who have moved on fromFarmVille," said Zynga vice president of games Tim LeTourneau.
"We wanted to embrace what three years of technology has brought and reinvent FarmVille as if we were making it fresh today."
Farmville 2 is built entirely with 3D technology, and Zynga has implemented interactive and more-lifelike animations.
"FarmVille is a flagship product for Zynga and a global phenomenon that has been transformative for social gaming," LeTourneau said.
Just like the original game, players will face many challenges on their farm, but this time around they will be tailored to what gamers already enjoy doing on their farm.
Crops and animals will have more realistic life cycles, and friends will continue to play a big role in the farming experience.
Those who have spend hours of time and possible quite a bit of money will be disappointed to learn that they cannot log into the new game and pick up from where they left off.
FarmVille 2 can be played on Facebook now.


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