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Prove yourself and win DRM free copy of Vampires! – Contest announced

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
CBE software has announced a skill-based contest as a celebration of our current Steam Greenlight progress with Vampires!

Test your brain and skills and win DRM free copy of Vampires! or even signed boxed copy of J.U.L.I.A.

Contest rules:

• Go to www.cbe-software.com and get our playable demo of Vampires! (PC, Mac, Browser)
• Play the demo until you get all achievements including the secret ones. This can be easily checked on the Achievements screen, which is accessible from the main menu. Remember that the game saves your progress, so you don’t have to finish this in one session.
• Send a screenshot of this fully activated achievement screen at[email protected]
• We will contact you with a simple additional game related question for the sake of fair play.
• Significant for us will be the date / time of email reception by our email server. In case of a perfect tie, we can choose more than 13 winners.
• We will announce the winners on our Facebook pagehttp://www.facebook.com/CBEsoftware so don’t forget to like us, please.
• Winners will be also informed via email.
• Team members, their families, external testers and preview copy owners are excluded from this contest.

• The very first 3 players who win the contest will receive downloadable DRM free version of Vampires! (PC and Mac version) and a signed boxed copy of J.U.L.I.A. (PC)
• Additional 10 people who win the contest will receive downloadable DRM free version of Vampires! (PC and Mac version).

And remember! This contest is not about being lucky. It’s about being the best.

About Vampires!

In Vampires! your goal is to save vampires by safely leading them through the labyrinth to their crypts. To do so, you can rotate the labyrinth parts to create new paths or use garlic-based repellent and spider-net slowdown to prevent vampires from walking into peril. Many traps are indeed lurking for the poor vampires. Starting with simple ones like pure light, things get more complicated down the road. Mobile wooden stakes, silver gun bullets, hired assassins or crazy garlic sappers wait impatiently to vaporize your vampires once for all.

Vampires! wil be released in Q4/2012 for PC, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android

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