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Animal Crossing 3DS detailed in Japanese Nintendo Direct

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Nintendo just cannot stop doing Nintendo Direct videos, as evidenced by this morning's Japanese presentation about the 3DS Animal Crossing: Jump Out. You can go back and watch the whole 47-minute thing here, which you should do even though it's all in Japanese because cute.

NeoGAFfer Streetsahead translated the information from the Nintendo Direct as it was happening, revealing new features and events, like the return of musician KK Slider. He performs DJ sets in the new comedy club, including performances of NES/Famicom style music. Shisho the comedian also performs, and you can choose how to react to his jokes.

Players are now able to design roads, much as you can design ground textures in previous games. You can now use your voice to get in-game characters' attention, using a "megaphone" item, as befits a politician of such lofty stature.

Local wireless play allows 2-4 players to enjoy co-op activities including a fruit-gathering game, for which you get medals that can be traded for souvenirs. These games take place on islands accessible by speedboat.


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