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Hawken gets closed beta date

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Free-to-play FPS mech title Hawken has had its beta dated by new publisher Meteor Entertainment.
Hawken is marketing itself as the first in a new generation of free-to-play titles boasting triple-A production quality. The Adhesive-developed title will enter closed beta on October 26th. It will run until October 29th.
“The team has worked tirelessly to launch closed beta,” Adhesive’s creative director and co-founder Khang Le explains. “Thanks to the awesome community, we learned a great deal from the Alpha 2 feedback.
”We’re super excited about opening the gate and having a larger fan base playing Hawken for the very first time! I can’t wait to see how the general audience receives the game and all the crazy tactics they come up to dominate on the Hawken battlefield”
Meteor CEO Mark Long added: “Hawken’s alpha 2 testing was great. We broke a lot of things and that’s good. The more that we find wrong now; the smoother open beta will go.
“We scaled up an order of magnitude in daily players and the server ping was so good we had players on the West Coast of the United States joining the United Kingdom servers. We cannot wait to see what happens as more players join in on closed beta.”


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