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Darkstalkers resurrected with console-bound digital collection

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Capcom has announced Darkstalkers Resurrection, a digital collection of the franchise heading to consoles next year.
The title was announced during a Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Panel at New York ComicCon. It’ll be developed by Iron Galaxy Studios and include arcade versions of Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge and Darkstalkers 3 bundled as a downloadable offering.
The bundling together of the titles was a must according to Capcom, realizing the series’ fan base was divided between the two games.
"We were agonizing over which to release," producer Derek Neal told Joystiq. "They're the two most popular, fan-favorite games of the people who have played Darkstalkers way back when and loved it. There's a group that loves Darkstalkers 2 and a group that loves Darkstalkers 3."
Neal added that Capcom legend Yoshinori Ono is hoping to see the series come back even further with analtogether new effort.
"Ono has a dream of revitalizing the Darkstalkers franchise, and this is the first step to get there. [Ono] wants Darkstalkers 4."
Darkstalkers Resurrection will run $14.99 and is expected out on PSN and XBLA in early 2013.


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