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More Dragon Age 3 details surface

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
A few small details and concept art for Dragon Age 3: Inquisition were revealed during a BioWare panel at the Edmonton Comic and Entertainment Expo today thanks to the live-tweeting work of Cameron Lee, a producer on the game.

Namely, Cinematic Designer John Perry said that "he's had a longer pre-production on Dragon Age 3 than any other BioWare project he's worked on," and that "one level in Dragon Age 3 is as big as all of Dragon Age 2's levels." Creative Director Mike Laidlaw noted that players will be human in the game, and that "customization is going to be bigger than Dragon Age: Origins."

BioWare GM Aaryn Flynn posted a picture to Twitter of the backs of event attendees' heads, which happened to include concept art for the game in the background. As nice as those heads are, we will update when the actual art is available. Dragon Age 3: Inquisition is in development and slated for a late 2013 release.


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