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Moshi Monsters eyeing other console formats

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Mind Candy is thinking about bringing Moshi Monsters to more gaming formats in the future, following the success of Moshling Zoo on Nintendo DS.
The next Moshi DS game, Moshlings Theme Park, arrives on Friday, October 26th.
Mind Candy's senior marketing manager Andrew Matjaszek told Licensing.biz: "The Nintendo DS is an extremely popular console across our core demographic of fans. Due to the age of our fans (six to 12 years old), we felt that the DS was the perfect platform for us to launch our first Moshi Monsters title.
"As far as mass-market appeal is concerned, other handhelds are still in their infancy. We felt it better to target a console that our fans play and enjoy on a regular basis.
"We've loved taking Moshi on to the Nintendo DS and don't see any reason why we wouldn't look to expand the Moshi Universe even further in the near future. Stay tuned."


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