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Developer to remove offensive Arabic script from Tekken Tag Tournament 2

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
The lead producer of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 has said it will alter a design feature in one of the game’s levels that has offended some Muslim players.
Joystiq reports that eagle-eyed gamers have spotted the Arabic script for the word ‘Allah’ in the floor texture of the Saudi Arabian level – that’s something that could be potentially offensive for Muslims.
Speaking on Twitter the game’s lead producer Katsuhiro Harada stated: "We didn't know that. We will change stage design data as soon as possible. We couldn't read that."
Earlier this month Activision was forced to temporarily remove the Favela map from Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer mode after Islamic holy writing was discovered in one of the level’s bathrooms. An altered version of the map was reinstated last week.


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