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Real-world money to buy in-game currency in Assassin's Creed III

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
A listing on PSN and Xbox Live suggests players of Assassin’s Creed III multiplayer mode will be able to buy perks using real-world cash.
Eurogamer reports that bundles of Erudito Credits will be available to purchase in bundle of 20, 50, 155, 380 and 925, with the biggest costing 1600 Microsoft Points.
The points will, according to the listings, “grant you Erudito Credits in-game, allowing you to acquire some game items, disregarding your current level”.
It speculates that the currency will only be usable in the multiplayer mode, with the single player focusing instead on British Pounds, as per the game’s historical setting.
Such a payment model is relatively commonplace now, with games such as Mass Effect 3 using it very effectively.
The move, however, would be at odds with some other companies in the industry such as Nintendo which over the weekend ruled out the possibility of premium DLC for Animal Crossing as it believed it would make the game “unwholesome”.


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