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Prison Architect alpha 3 released with fog of war

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Version three of the successful paid Prison Architect alpha build is upon us like a sewage-drenched Andy Dufresne in the night.Burly new additions are fog of war and CCTV, plus a load of bug fixes and small changes.Fog of war affects your visibility of an area. Guards are your eyes, so if an area is well patrolled, it'll stay clearly visible. But fog of war creeps back over time, so if an area loses guard coverage, visibility will start to go.CCTV ties into fog of war; you can install cameras to be your eyes in areas that don't really need guarding, like store rooms, offices and power facilities. CCTV cameras give a cone of visibility that sweeps slowly from side to side as the camera does.You will need a guard to watch CCTV camera output at a CCTV monitor desk, though. But one guard can handle multiple camera inputs, which is efficient.These changes are demonstrated and detailed by Prison Architect maker Introversion in the following video. Fog of war was also something Introversion talked about during its Eurogamer Expo session, which we videoed.


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