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GTA V: Three more screenshots show rappelling, helicopter flight

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Rockstar has released two more Grand Theft Auto 5 screenshots, offering another glimpse at one of the game's missions.
One shows the player flying a helicopter towards downtown Los Santos, while the other shows one of the three main protagonists, Michael, rappelling down the side of a building (thanks IGN).Both offer a good look at the impressive landscape that'll make up part of GTA 5'sshockingly large world, and a demonstration of the game's new lighting effects at work during a warm sunset.
A third shot shows another helicopter flight over the Hollywood-like Vinewood sign, and another view of the mountains in the distance.
Last week we gathered all the first GTA V details from Game Informer magazine in the US. Have a read for a breakdown on each of the three main characters, dynamic missions, and more.
The second GTA V trailer will be released tomorrow.


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