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Ratchet & Clank: QForce delayed on Vita

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Ratchet & Clank: QForce (aka in US as Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault) has been delayed on Vita.
Originally planned to launch alongside the PS3 version this year, the Vita version of Insomniac's latest Ratchet game has been pushed back to January 2013.The PS3 version's release is unaffected, still due for November 27 in US, and late November in EU.
Sony says the delay is "to ensure that your experience is packed with all the action and polish you'd expect from a Ratchet & Clank game".
This will prove disappointing for those of you who were attracted to the offer of getting both versions for the price of one.
Sony ensures fans that the offer still stands; those who buy the PS3 version will be entitled to a download code for the Vita version - which will be compatible with cross-play - but you'll just have to wait until January to take advantage of it.
"To reward you for your patience, we'll be giving you the very first piece of DLC for the title, the Miniboss multiplayer skin pack, for free," adds Sony.
A more precise release date for Vita will be announced "very soon".


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