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Team Xecuter News

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
First of all let me apologize for the sites downtime this last week. We get ddos'd a lot and our old server just wasn't good enough so had to make a few changes. It was good timing anyway as there have also been lot's of changes within the Xecuter operation. We'll soon be saying farewell to one of our pioneering founder members, but will be saying hello to a new and improved Team Xecuter. It's in safe hands, more will be announced very soon.
A couple of updates to let you know where we are with our current slate of products:
1. We have fine tuned the DGX add-on so that it can now be used with any RGH device, not just the CR3 Pro. We are also working on phat (we have recovered cpu_key from jasper and falcon 16197). Yes it also works on the new corona v3/v4 without soldering to the CPU pin.
2. CR3 pro is all done and finished. The timing is fantastic – however the delays are in 1 of the parts has a current long lead time (6 weeks). We hope to have it out before Christmas – we'll do our best. Pro modders will LOVE IT !
3. Same as #2 with the new LTU PCB. The fw from c4 works perfect we're just waiting on a couple of parts to arrive in stock. Won't be long now.
4. The next version of JF is very cool – includes a few exciting updates
5. The new Sonus 360 Custom Sound Editor is almost ready. You will be able to program custom soundpacks to work with not only power on and eject, but also with power off and glitch !
6. remember to use serial.xecuter.com to check that your Xecuter product is genuine and not some cheap knock off. Currently only CR3 Lite stock is supported – but we will be adding new batches of our other products in the next week.
7. 2.0.16202.0 comes out today. We are 99.9% 100% confident that DGX will work with it – will let you know. Tested – works just fine
Santa is coming very soon…….


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