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Memorama Games 1.0

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
A new PSP Homebrew game known as Memorama Games 1.0 is now available to the PlayStation 3 Homebrew community . If you are looking for a pretty cool memory type of game for your PSP system , Then look no further as Memorama Games 1.0 has been released to the PlayStation Homebrew community for users who have a homebrew enable PSP System , this game comes in both Spanish and English version , The graphics on this this game is pretty awesome so is the game play

It generally consists in a series of cards with various figures in each one of them; which are wide, i.e. each drawing is repeated in two letters.
Memorama Games account with a period of time in which we must discover all pairs to not lose the game, if you guess right will grant you 5 seconds and if failures will take away 5 seconds, also at the end of the category we will qualify with 1, 2 or 3 stars, contains a total of 90 different pairs and a table where we see our recordsto overcome them or delete them.
language Spanish/English
3 categories (Mario Bros., The Legend Of Zelda & Metroid)
30 pairs by category.
Marker hits/errors
Marker’s elapsed time and remaining time.
Table of Records
Pad: Move Cursor
X: enter
O: return
Pad: Move Cursor
X: flip card
Start: pause
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