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ScummVM Summons the Heroes of the Forgotten Realms

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
The city of Waterdeep is in dire need of heroes to defend it from the evil below the city. Assemble a group of four heroes, heed the call of the Lords of Waterdeep and start your quest in the sewers below the city! But beware, for this is not your only quest. Archmage Khelben needs you to investigate strange happenings near the Temple of Darkmoon. People around it are disappearing and human remains are found in shallow graves.
The ScummVM Team is pleased to announce support for Eye of the Beholder and Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon. So grab your copies of the DOS versions of the games and start playing in the latest daily build of ScummVM and help us with the testing, while enjoying these great games.
As usual all bugs should be reported to our bug tracker. However, please make sure you have got all the required data files before you report a bug. You can find a list of data files on our wiki, here are the links for Eye of the Beholder and Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon. For further information, check out the bug submission guidelines.
Happy dungeon crawling!


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