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CoD: Elite - new subscription service announced

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Activision creates community app for Call of Duty players
A new online community service has been announced for Call of Duty.

Call of Duty: Elite goes into public beta in the summer and will be released with Modern Warfare 3, due out in November.

The Elite service will be available across web, mobile, TV and console, for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC gamers. Parts of it will be free to use, but for the more hardcore gamers there is a premium element with a monthly fee.

So what precisely does it involve? Features include: careeer information – such as player stats and match results; the ability to join groups based on shared interests; events and competitions, including group vs group, clan vs clan and leagues; game information – including weapon, perk and map info as well as tips and video games.

The price of the premium service is currently unknown, though Activision has hinted that it will be inexpensive compared to similar products.


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