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Aliens: Colonial Marines is back

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Almost forgotten shooter returns with Sega confirming spring 2012 release
Sega has at last, in its own words, "re-announced" long-awaited FPS Aliens: Colonial Marines, which is now scheduled for a release on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC in spring 2012.
It will be shown off at Sega's stand at E3 next week. The game sees players assume the role of a Colonial Marine squad as they investigate a deserted space vessel.
After a prolonged period MIA, Colonial Marines was eventually pencilled in for a Q1 2009 release, though this came and went. In February last year Gearbox reassured consumers that the project hadn't been cancelled.
“Aliens: Colonial Marines will be THE definitive Aliens gaming experience,” Sega's senior VP of marketing Gary Knight stated.
“Gearbox Software are doing a brilliant job translating the thrill and horror that Aliens stands for into an action-packed shooter experience with co-operative gameplay at its core.”
Gearbox president Randy Pitchford added: “To Gearbox Software and its peers throughout the industry, Aliens is one of the most influential science fiction properties of all time. Aliens: Colonial Marines, designed as an interactive successor to the landmark films from Twentieth Century Fox, is a dream project about which our studio is deeply committed and passionate.”


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