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Im dying a death here

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been updating site all night and day, bored to death, worse thing is that no one can se it

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  1. Shrygue's Avatar
    Well you've been working your ass off trying to get the news posts in all sites to the blog pages. You should take time out, give yourself a rest and have a nice cup of tea at least before doing more.
  2. wraggster's Avatar
    yeah gotta keep going, i need to catch up on news then sort out the fun stuff :P
  3. wraggster's Avatar
    why do i post so much news, taking fookin ages the ds site is
  4. Shrygue's Avatar
    Well why don't you be a bit more selective like me? No need to post everything new out there (especially on the commercial news), just pick the more interesting stuff that would most likely appeal to users. Saves times that way I say.
  5. wraggster's Avatar
    i do try these days, less is more i think

    im still on the DS site
  6. wraggster's Avatar
    on the PSP Site now and helping kaiser on the forums, gives me something to do
  7. Kaiser's Avatar
    ugh I'm going numb from the work I'm doing. Can't imagine how you feel Wraggs.
  8. Shrygue's Avatar
    You two gentlemen are doing a grand job sorting out the forums, it's looking better now!
  9. wraggster's Avatar
    mostly down to kaiser
  10. guymelef's Avatar
    If it meant less down time, then you are doing god's work.


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