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Rage is 'steak', top Xbox Live shooters are 'McDonalds' - id Software

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Comparing id Software's techno-tastic shooter Rage to popular rivals on Xbox Live is like comparing steak to a McDonalds meal, id Software creative director Tim Willits has told OXM.

"We invented deathmatch, but when we looked at Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein and now Rage, we didn't want to follow the same formula that we have done for the past 20 years," Willits said of the new game, which features combat racing and narrative-driven co-op multiplayer.

"So we wanted to make both the single player experience and the multiplayer experience of Rage stand on its own two feet, and be different from our other titles."

Asked whether shunning traditional competitive multiplayer was altogether wise, given the popularity of such components on Xbox Live, Willits was bullish.

"You're right there's a massive appetite for that sort of thing," he conceded. "But it's like McDonalds. There's a McDonalds on every street corner, and I love McDonalds, but I don't want to eat McDonalds every day. Sometimes you need to have steak."

Rage launches October. Find more details, screens and video from the multiplayer modes in our gallery.


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