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Sony hasn't asked for Twisted Metal Vita

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Since Sony unveiled its new portable device earlier this year, it seems to have confirmed Vita versions of almost all its key franchises.

New iterations of Uncharted, Resistance, LittleBigPlanet, WipeOut, Killzone and ModNation Racers are all incoming, however, no mention has yet been made of Twisted Metal.

David Jaffe told Eurogamer at E3 last week that Sony is yet to speak to him about a portable take on his car combat franchise.

"They haven't yet," he admitted. "Nobody has talked to us, so it's not like 'I can't talk about that' – that's usually what you say when it's in development. Nobody has talked to us."

Jaffe then proceeded to question whether the series – absent from our screens since the 2008 PS2 port of Twisted Metal: Head On – is even considered a key IP at Sony HQ.

"When you say 'their big franchises' – I don't know – there are probably people within Sony who look at Twisted Metal and say 'that's a big franchise'. I just met a great sales guy from Australia who came up to me and said how he couldn't wait to promote the game down there.

"There are guys who get it, but there are just as many other people who go 'I don't really get it – is this something we really want to be promoting at the same level as say, Uncharted 3?'

"I don't know how this is going to do," he continued. "I don't know whether in 2011 there'll still be a big enough home for us to say 'make another one' or 'make one for the Vita'. We're just stepping back and asking 'we've had a lot of love from the fans, but is that going to translate well beyond break even?' Or are we barely going to cross the threshold of making our money back?

"So as to where it is on the Vita, probably if it's a big hit we're going to do it. But we don't have a clue how it's going to do."

We'll all find out when the game finally arrives on PlayStation 3 this October.


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