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Bleszinski: 'I'd love to make Kinect game'

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Epic man (in more ways than one) Cliff Bleszinski has said he'd love to make a Kinect game, and even said he'd consider Kinect functionality in a possible future Gears of War game.

The Gears of War creator is a big fan of games that mix traditional controls with Kinect enhancements. "One of the sexiest things at [Microsoft's E3] press conference was the Ghost Recon thing where the guy [made hand gestures] and the gun exploded. That was hot," he said to Industry Gamers.

"And I said last year at this very party... I think hybrids would be great. And now we're seeing hybrids. So maybe eventually we'll see more hardcore games that are Kinect only, but you have 6 million Gears, however many million Halos, and however many Call of Dutys. 26 years [of traditional controls] aren't going to go [away] anytime soon, right?"

More tantalisingly, Bleszinki added: "If, in the event there were to be another Gears game, that's something we might explore. But we want to do it right. If I had unlimited amounts of time and a team I could sit down and make a cool Kinect game, and I would love to, but it's a matter of time and opportunity costs right now."

Bleszinski has shown the utmost enthusiasm for the widespread experimentation with Kinect, saying he'd himself be "hacking" Kinect if he were a teenager.


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