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How to get in the Journey beta

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Sony is sending invites into the Journey beta, but you'll only get one if you're a long-time fan of developer thatgamecompany.

Invites are being sent to PlayStation Plus subscribers who are also the "very earliest adopters" of Flower, thatgamecompany's abstract movement PlayStation Network game.

If you're one of these select people, "watch your XMB inbox for your invitation and entry into the beta" SCEA Santa Monica Studio for Flower associate producer Randall Lowe said on the US PlayStation Blog.

A limited number of additional spots are also available, to be given away at thatgamecompany’s Facebook page and on the PlayStation Blog.

That's for US gamers, but what about us Europeans?

"Whilst it’d be amazing to open this out to everyone out there who’s excited about Journey, unfortunately numbers need to be kept very limited for technical reasons," European product manager Alex Pavey said on the EU PlayStation Blog.

"But as it progresses, this trial will be extended into SCEE – the existing Beta Trial community and selected PlayStation Plus members will receive invitations in early July. Look out for more information about selection criteria and timings soon."

Sony is running a Journey beta to help test the game's network code. Weekly sessions run on Tuesdays from 6pm to 10pm PST.


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