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Minecraft 1.7 is out, pistons and deadly sheep added to the mix

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Minecraft's latest world-expanding update has arrived, bringing with it the all new piston mechanism that should help add some motion to your intricately constructed Starship Enterprise model. As is customary, the patch also included an odd bug or two -- as evidenced by creator Markus Persson's somewhat ominous Tweet suggesting players "don't right click sheep with an empty hand." However, minutes after that warning, Update 1.7.01 went live, which apparently fixed the whole thing.

So, what are you waiting for? Go build some stuff with pistons. The trailer after the jump shows some of the practical applications of the new tool, but we think you can come up with something even more clever. Like, for instance, a machine that does all that tiresome mining and crafting for us.


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