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King of Fighters XIII US release date confirmed

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
As a nice surprise to King of Fighters fans, Atlus has confirmed it will release the newest entry, King of Fighters XIII, in US ahead of its outing in Japan.

The game will hit Stateside on October 25, two days ahead of Japan where it arrives on October 27. That's according to the updated official site which points to Amazon pre-orders specifying that release date.

The new game will feature console-exclusive content for PS3 and Xbox owners, including fighters (Billy Kane, among others), stages and game modes.

It's also fully playable online, and features new Neo Max special moves that deliver a lethal blow when executed (and deplete three levels of your specials gauge while you're at it).

There's currently no word on the UK release. If you've not seen much of the game, here's nine minutes of characters beating the snot out of each other.


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