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Capcom announces UK fight club tour

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Capcom is taking its current slate of fighting games on the road, offering UK fans the chance to play Street Fighter X Tekken ahead of release.

The tour kicks off in London on Saturday 20th August at the KO gym in East London with Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono on hand to sign your Street Fighter paraphernalia. There'll be free grub and DJs providing additional entertainment to boot.

Street Fighter X Tekken is the only title locked in so far but, according to Capcom's announcement, there might also be "some other secret things that can't possibly be confirmed yet."

Doors open at 7.30pm and the first 50 people in the queue will snag an "extra special gift".

The show then goes on the road, with stops in Bristol, Edinburgh, Norwich, Brighton and Liverpool. Dates and venues will be confirmed in the next few weeks.


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