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Bleszinski: Continuing Gears Of War is 'business 101'

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Epic design chief Cliff Bleszinski has indicated that the studio would be surprised if it didn't create another Gears Of War following the release of the third in the series.

When asked by Ripten if Epic's wish to close the Gears 'trilogy' still left room for more Gears games in the future, Bleszinski replied:

"Well, there's always the Peter Jackson route, right? Do The Hobbit or something like that. I mean, we're business people. Gears 1 and 2 sold about 6 million copies, so if this game comes out and, God willing, sells 8 or 10 million it would be completely dumb to not do another one, right?

"It's just business 101. So, I mean, the key is figuring out what's appropriate. What makes sense for this connected world that we're moving into? So, that remains to be seen. That's the million dollar question..."

Bleszinski has previously stated that Gears 3 will "answer the majority of the questions that players have about the history of the world and what's going on". The game's story was co-written by science fiction author Karen Traviss.

Players will once again control Marcus in Gears 3's campaign, but other playable characters will also be available.

The game is due for release exclusively on Xbox 360 in September.


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