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Batman: Arkham City collectors edition official in UK

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Where does he get ... that one wonderful toy? If Batman were a resident of the UK, he'd have access to one in the collectors edition of Batman: Arkham City. WB confirmed the existence of the bundle (due on October 21) for that region in a press release, including the single image above of the layout.

The CE includes a Batman statue by Kotobukiya, an artbook, a downloadable soundtrack, early access to the "Iceberg Lounge Challenge Map" and a Dark Knight Returns-style skin, and a copy of the Batman: Gotham Knight animated movie.

Americans suffering from envy of that exclusive swag (if not the game disc unceremoniously tucked into a paper sleeve) shouldn't worry; the details of this UK bundle match up with those posted last week by GameStop. We'll just have to brood in our caves for a bit -- we're sure it will be made official for North America soon.


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