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GTA V: Rockstar 'looking at LA Noire face tech,' says Bondi

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Rockstar is considering the implementation of L.A Noire's innovative MotionScan face capture technology in all of its new games - including the next Grand Theft Auto.

That's according to Team Bondi co-founder Brendan McNamara speaking in the relaunched PSM3, on sale this week.

Asked if Rockstar was considering MotionScan for GTA V, McNamara replied:

"Yeah, I think they're looking at it for every game. As much as LA Noire is a huge game, Grand Theft Auto is incredibly huge, so you've got all the problems of how big the cast would be and how many lines would you have to record and all that kind of stuff.

"Obviously we'd like them to, and they're more than welcome to use MotionScan, but if they decide it's not right for that and want to use it for another game, then that's fine too."

The Team Bondi head - who faced flak last month for alleged unfair working conditions at the Australian studio - claimed MotionScan would bring a sense of "humanity" to Rockstar's other series.

"I think it brings a level of humanity to the experience that means people will - in the first few minutes - start relating to the characters on screen," he said.

"They don't have to make that decision about 'whether I like this guy' or 'do I actually believe them? - but they can make all the like or dislike decisions based on the actor's performance.

"Rockstar will make those decisions. They generally make the right decisions in terms of what they do for their games."

The relationship between Rockstar and Team Bondi has been called into question since the release of L.A Noire in May. A source, reportedly an ex-employee of McNamara's, claimed that the two companies wouldn't work together again.

The new PSM3 is chock full of great content, including a stunning 12-page special preview of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.


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