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Forza 4 is five weeks from completion, night driving is in

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Turn 10 is just five weeks away from finishing development on Forza 4 - including the game's night race elements.

Forza 3's lack of night driving was a letdown for some fans - but the feature will appear in Forza 4, thanks to the game's fresh lighting effects.

When we asked Turn 10 chief Dan Greenawalt for an update on fans' chances of driving at night, he said:

"Our new lighting engine allows us to do alternate times of day. We have a choice number of tracks that are available in kind of an alternate trim, where you start seeing sun rise and sunset at a very oblique angles. That changes the light on the car and change the light in your eyes as you're racing."

Greenawalt told us that Turn 10 had managed to avoid 'crunch' on the game - the period where developers work all hours to ensure a project gets finished on time - due to strictly "metering ourselves all the way along, which is really the unsung hero of games development".

He explained: "Right now, we're just heading into finalising the game ahead to certification, which is making sure we're complying with [Microsoft's rules] on the box. There's about five or so weeks until we submit the finished game."

Greenawalt believes that the title's graphics will be the first major improvement fans recognise over the previous Forza. "We saw that at E3," he commented. "People are really stunned by what we've been able to achieve with an engine that shipped in the box twice previously."

Forza 4 is due for release exclusively on Xbox 360 in October.


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