Homebrew News

Reel in Prope's Fishing Resort this fall

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
XSEED is continuing its cozy relationships with both Bandai Namco (which has resulted in Retro Game Challenge, among other things) and developer Prope (whose Ivy the Kiwi? was published by XSEED), announcing a North American release of the Wii fishing game from Yuji Naka's company, Fishing Resort. It's a third-party Wii game in 2011, and thus a rarity.

The Wii game puts equal emphasis on both the "fishing" and "resort" aspects -- of course you'll be able to cast for over 200 varieties of fish (and play fishing-related minigames), but you're also given the choice to explore your island surroundings at your leisure, finding spots in different locales from which to fish. And should you develop some skill at the art of virtual fishing, you can take part in competitive play for up to four, and tell the world an incredibly accurate fish story via the leaderboards.


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