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Commando perk removed from Modern Warfare 3

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Love it or hate it, Modern Warfare 2's ninja-inducing Commando perk has gone the way of the dodo, and will not be flipping out and killing people in Modern Warfare 3. The perk, which allows for furious cursing near instantaneous melee attacks over an extended range, has been removed as part of an overall multiplayer balancing effort, according to a tweet posted by Infinity Ward Creative Strategist Robert Bowling.

At the moment, it is unknown whether or not Commando's absence will also remove its Pro variant, which negated fall damage and provided a strategic advantage on key maps. It's possible that this enhancement may be reassigned to a new and/or different perk, however it could just have easily been sacrificed in the name of balance. In related news, replacement controller sales are expected to drop by a hundred billion percent.


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