Activision has revealed its intentions to become much more involved in the mobile space.
The company's mobile VP Greg Canessa emphasized to CVG the strength in the variety of brands Activision could consider for mobile efforts.
"We have a rich thirty-year history from the Atari days to the Blizzard merger. We have about 350 different brands and IPs to work with," Canessa said. "That’s legacy IP, that’s triple-A IP and that’s licences with other companies."
Canessa added the publisher will look to use its big marketing campaigns for its mobile titles as well.
"The creation of new IP is expensive, and when you consider how much money we spend on marketing our IP, we can apply that halo affect [sic] to our mobile properties. That gives us a tremendous advantage. You are going to continue to see us take advantage of our big marketing campaigns to help our mobile products too."