Gopher2600 v0.7.2 is released. Gopher2600 is an emulator for the Atari 2600. Whilst the performance is not as efficient as some other emulators it is none-the-less suitable for playing games, on a reasonably modern computer, at the required 60fps. (The development machine for Gopher2600 has been an i3-3225, dating from around 2012.)
Gopher2600 v0.7.2 changelog:
Better resizing of television frame
- Games like Tapper or Spike's Peak look better
Frame limiter interacts better with texture renderer
- Fewer dropped frames meaning games that use flicker kernels
look more accurate
- Particularly effective for 60Hz monitors and NTSC
Nicer visual feedback on the rewind slider
- Toggle fullscreen (F11)
- Toggle fps indicator (F12)
Statsview module bumped v0.3.1
- Fixes problem of missing charts on Windows