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    by Published on May 18th, 2008 20:01

    Bored. Review.

    Frontlines: Fuel of War
    Publisher: THQ
    Developer: Kaos Studios
    Players: 1-50 (good lord)
    Genre: Tactical FPS

    Frontlines: Fuel of War bases around the idea of a third World War that is caused by a lack of oil and gasoline around the world. (sound familiar?) 2 major factions and four countries are included in this war: U.S. and Britain vs. China and Russia, the Western Coalition and the Red Star Alliance respectively. You are in the shoes of a soldier who, like many others, is caught in this war and speculates on all areas of the war, including the idea that the entire war is based on a conspiracy theory. Who knows...

    Oil the Glorious
    The entire story for this game is base on the idea that soon (in 2008) the world will erupt into a full scale war over the few remaining deposits of oil left on earth. The best part about this story is the possibility that this could happen. The idea of (in todays world) people fighting over oil in a global war isn't totally unforeseeable. Anyway, the story centers on oil, and the two factions (the RSA and WC) are warring over this. Overall, the story is basically another war story, except slightly futuristic and with a small amount of character development. (most of your teamates die fairly quickly) Honestly, there isn't that much to story. Menus work fine, but loading times are sometimes a little long. Multiplayer is glorious. 50 player online matches in massive arena based warfare. The connections for online? So far so good, I haven't ever noticed any connection errors, even in massive battles. A little bit of lag though when the going gets insanely large. Respawning is a pain in the a**.....

    All of them soldiers, all of them lifeless

    War doesn't look all too bad...
    Frontlines certainly does look good sometimes. Explosions are gloriously, well, explosive, and they work nice. The main problem with this game graphically is that in the massive outside arenas seem to actually have no textures on them until you get very close up. In other words, the textures pop up AFTER you get close, which diminishes the spectacular view of massive war greatly. Pop in for buildings and models happen, but the game cleverly disguises this as saying the its due to the fog and the players (apparent) bad eyesight. Character models, while not exactly Call of Duty 4, work fine, but look very bland close up. Rainbow Six vegas this ain't. Bullet effects and fire seem both primitive and well done at the same time. (don't ask how, just watch it.)

    Frontlines does have its moments, but for the most part it falls flat

    Sorry sir, lip sync is not a-go.
    Sound. Dialog among the characters is well done, if a bit choppy in campaign mode. A good bit of the dialog focuses on the characters thoughts about the war and the missions they are doing. but to be honest, none of it is memorable, and lip sync could have been much better. Sound effects are well presented, from bullet firing to explosions. The whir of a sentry coming in for a kill is sometimes a bit annoying, as you hear them as being a good for meters away, then boom. Your suddenly dead. You can't so much trust you ears when it comes to remote controlled vehicles in the game. I don't even remember whether or not there was music in the game (which should tell you something about the soundtrack.)

    50 player online battles? GOOD ****!

    While story mode is rather unimpressive, multiplayer makes up for it rather well. First off the bat you'll notice the MASSIVE battles of 50 players in equally massive battlefields. Theres so much strategy behind team work in this game that people don't even see. For instance, a Special Ops guy could load your vehicle up with C4 to have you bail out of the vehicle right as it collides into another tank and tell the guy to detonate his C4. Or for a less strategic note, get two of your friends into a well-known hiding spot as close combatants, and basically herd your enemies into the area where your friends do the rest. Now speaking of vehicles. The controls for the vehicles are bad, even worse then GTA IV. other then that, vehicles are also insanely overpowered. If your enemy is in a tank, it doesn't matter if you can get a rocket off on his tank. At best it'll only take a third of his health down and by that time you'll be blown to Jupiter. Same goes for all vehicles. The class system works. The only thing is that you'll almost never see ANYONE playing as close combat, i.e. the shotgun class. People who play as the sniper class are doomed too. The Sniper takes at least 2 HEADSHOTS to kill someone, where as the assault rifle (the machine gun class) has the same accuracy as the sniper rifle with the same damage. Still, all these work in the hands of decent players. Multiplayer is the best part of the game, easily. ...
    by Published on May 17th, 2008 21:34

    I haven't been reviewing lately, but you can thank exams for that. Afterward, look forward to a review for Condemned 2: Bloodshot, Ninja Gaiden II, DBZ: Burst Limit and The Bourne Conspiracy.

    Samurai Warriors 2
    Publisher: KOEI
    Developer: Omega Force
    Players: 1-2
    Genre: Action Adventure

    I really hope feudal Japan wasn't this boring. Onimusha would have a fit.

    I remember the glorious days of Dynasty Warriors 4 and 5, their best years ever. Back then they had new ideas, but old executions, which were fine for that time (they weren't overused....yet.) Even the Original Samurai Warriors was half bad. And then KOEI went and vomited out Dynasty Warriors 5: Extreme Legends. Then they excreted DW5: Empires. But they weren't even close to satisfied with rubbing their game's name in mud. They then threw out SW2:E.

    These Samurai should commit an "honorable" suicide.
    Lets face it: Whenever a game relies on a single gimmick (not console, I said when a GAME does this) it 90% of the time falls straight on its face. Samurai Warriors 2: Empires is no different. However, unlike DW, this SW game doesn't even do that gimmick right; that is, throwing hordes of mindless soldiers that all seem to look like Mexican Matt Damons at you. While its fun for the first 10 minutes, those Mr. Damongonzales's start to get very annoying. Very, Very annoying. Combos hardly even start until late in the "game". And even when they do, all you do is press the X button about 5 times, do it again, do it again...Oh! Musou attack. Ok now then. X5...X5....O....X5... which gets beyond tedious, and extremely unfulfilling. Another part of the game that DW did that SW's crashes (and burns) on is officer fights. While DW manages to make these even slightly challenging (possibly even...fun....) the officers (aka mini bosses) are just as mindless as the pissants you run through the whole game. They simply have more health, and don't look like Senior Damon. Absolutely all parts of the "strategy that the game is thinly based on a complete rubbish. When you issue an order, you comrades follow it, but do about nothing else afterwards. You tell them to guard a base, so they go to the base, but don't defend it. Just kinda stand around looking all Japanese-like. Finally, the idea of governing your territories is boring and unnecessary. And with only 26 characters, all who are absolutely boring to play as (with the exception to Nene and Hanzo), you will most likely lock this game in a crate and throw it to the bottom of a river. To which i say: Please don't. Should in the future some alien race finds this game in that crate and plays it, it will almost surely make them attack and destroy the earth for creating such awful "games".

    Hello Mr. Samurai, nice pop-in we're having today!
    Onto graphics. The only semi-decent graphical thing in this game is the character models (Excluding Mr.Damon-Gonzales.) While they do their thing (with glitchy animations) on screen, it becomes increasingly obvious that the devs for this game just don't want you looking at backgrounds, and for good reason. This game has less stairs and level elevation changes then Wolfenstein 3D (for those of you who don't know, it didn't HAVE level changes.), so you'll be spending some to all of your time on a level surface. Occasionally there will be some pots of boxes which you can break with an attack, usually resulting in nothing whatsoever. Even when you do, the boxes just kinda fade away and don't even break. Almost every type of 3D building or whatever in the game is simply a texture slapped on the side of a box. Really, theres not even that much to even CRITICIZE in this game. Graphics are below poor.

    Japanese style-soundtrack? Honestly, I hope not, for Japan's sake.
    SW2: E sports a self-proclaimed Japanese style soundtrack to pummel countless Mexican warriors to. While its not really so bad, its easily forgettable and doesn't really fit the mood at all. That, combines with the ridiculously incoherent dialogue issuing from the NPC's mouths all game long really makes you want to mute the TV. Terrible sound effects. However, once in a blue moon a character or two will have a good voice over for crappy dialogue. Does that compensate? Heres another one: Does ice cream make aliens come to earth and dance the disco every Thursday night at every burger king across the US? If so, then yes, it does compensate.

    Even samurai won't play this through again.
    If you like this fecies, then you have the ride of your life; tons of story modes that all have the same characters doing the EXACT same thing over and over. If you don't, this game has no replay value.

    Lets get to it then! (Thanks for standing still!)

    Presentation: 1/5
    You wonder why theres no paragraph on this? Because there is no ...
    by Published on May 16th, 2008 21:17

    Platform: Wii (WiiWare)
    Publisher: _No Company
    Developer: Nnooo
    Genre: Puzzle/Strategy
    Players: 1 - 4


    Pop is a very simple game...You pop bubbles to earn points to try to get a highscore while avoiding obstacles and getting power-ups.


    The main point of Pop is to pop bubbles of different shapes, sizes, and colors. You get points and time, added to your time limit, with every bubble you pop. There are different power-ups, such as Nuke, which creates a small explosion ring around the bubble it was in, and Time Warp, which slows down the bubbles' flow, making it easier to pop more bubbles in less time. There are combos/chains, and multipliers to help you get more points for your pops. Multipliers can be found in bubbles, but can also be obtained from chaining bubbles. There is also an advanced mode, where you try to get 9,999,999 points before Wave 16, and multiplayer mode, in which up to four people can play, each trying to get the highest score.


    The graphics in Pop are very simplistic, yet stylish and relaxing. Each level brings along a new color of something, whether it be the background color, or a new colored bubble. There are also different shapes and sizes of bubbles. Personally, the graphics are better than some I've seen in other current generation games. Up next is the music section of this review.


    The soothing, yet sometimes hyped up music in this game adds to the good aspects of Pop. Throughout the Waves, different music plays. This music can be either relaxing and calm, or fast and motivating. Whatever style of music is playing, you will enjoy most of the music in this game. Second to last is the control section of Pop's review.

    Replay Value:

    Some may think pointing the screen for the length of the game may get agrivating or boring, whether it be from stiffness or pain of the arm or something else. Personally, I think Pop is the opposite. You are so busy busting bubbles that move at high speeds while trying to keep your time limit up, that you forget about the pain. The cursor may jump around a little bit, but it is usually steady and smooth. Last but not, the replay value...


    Pop may seem boring from screenshots or videos, but it isn't. Even though each Wave has the same designs (Background, bubbles, etc.), Pop's addictiveness will block out the slight repetitiveness. Now that I've covered every judging point that most people look at in games, I'll add up the scores and give my final opinion.

    Overall Rating:

    If you want my recommendation, I say get it...It's a great game, and for $7, it's a steal. I was excited for this game, and that swayed my thought of this game from thinking it's cool, to really awesome. All of my opinions in this review are truthful (Not affected by swaying), and I really do recommend this game to casual gamers (Even though the majority of users here are hardcore gamers) and hardcore gamers alike.

    Thank you for reading this review. Go Pop! ...
    by Published on May 15th, 2008 00:52

    Published by: XGen Studios
    Developed by: XGen Studios
    Genre: Action
    Number of Players: 1-4
    price: $5.00

    the explanations are simple, but pretty to look at

    In this game, your goal is to defend your castle by killing the enemies that will be coming at you from the left, to do so, you need to upgrade you castle's strength, number of healers, mages, archers, and off course, you must have a steady and quick hand to launch up those little demons with their shenanigans.

    Gameplay: 4/5
    This game has a surprisingly deep game play.
    you start out with JUST your square shaped hand (that is what i can make of it, it may be something else ) and you grab enemies and throw them up, or down, fast enough to kill them, so far so good huh? but there is more, as you progress through the game, you will get new powers such as a bucket of paint in which you can drop enemies in, and they will shortly after become your allies, etc.

    Tho it is too bad that on the later levels you NEED others to come and join you, otherwise you will be stuck on the same level for hours until you level up one or more of your powers to a certain point.

    Graphics: 4/5
    This game has horrible graphic, fortunately, they were meant to be bad, so that makes them good
    and it DOES fall pretty easy on your eyes, and you will also appreciate the fact that as the sun sets, you get a nice twilight looking effect, the clouds are held by string and they move quite fast, and the characters have pretty good animation.

    Sound: 3/5
    I enjoyed the song from the title screen, and even tough some sound effects fit perfectly with the games unique art style, when you get farther into the game, a constant screaming sound begins to crawl on your ear, and it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't the same two screams EVERY TIME over, and over, and over. again!

    Multiplayer: 4/5
    Even tough the first 12 levels would not be hard to a three year old, when you go into the thirties, you WILL need a friend to tag along with you, and if one friend isn't enough, how about two more? that's right! this game can be played with up to four players!

    Price: 5/5
    This amazing game is only $5! making it one of the cheapest games on the wii right now, yet, has a higher quality then most full priced games on the wii.

    Replay value: 5/5
    Although not much changes on the second play through, that is not necessarily a bad thing, the game is complex enough to be played in a slightly different way, but simple enough to remind you that if you have ten minutes in the morning before you go to school or work, this game will be your best choice.

    Control: 5/5
    Not much to say here, unlike the flash version of this game where you can constantly miss the enemie's head or don't throw them hard enough to kill them, this issue has been fixed on the wii version, the only times you might miss your oponent is when you have 25 guys on-screen at once, and you are just wildly swinging your wii-mote up and down while quickly tapping the "A" button hoping to throw some of those little guys around.

    This game is worth getting if you are looking to buy a wiiware title, but don't want to spend a whole lot, it has great replay value, and i asure you, it will not grow boring if you have friends to play it with.

    final score:

    PLEASE TAKE ONE: my review survey! ...
    by Published on May 14th, 2008 05:00

    Publisher: 2K Games
    Developer: Irrational games (2K Boston)
    genre: First-Person Shooter
    Players: 1

    I've been wanting to do this review for a while, but its a little outdated. Still, I have alot of friends out there who really aren't sure about the title, so here goes to clear some things up.

    The first person shooter genre has just been made.

    Where to begin...wow. Eh-herm, Bioshock is a FPS that takes place in an underwater Utopia named Rapture. Built in the late 1940's to escape the threat of another world war and possibly nuclear war, Rapture was once a thriving utopia of brilliant scientist, athletes, artists, and the best mankind had to offer. However, all good things must come to an end, and Rapture proves that statement to be more then simply a saying. With the invention of Adam and plasmids, the world of Rapture grew greedy and lustful, ultimately bringing itself down to the depths it was created in.

    Welcome to Rapture
    The story behind the game (without revealing spoilers) is that your plane crashes in the mid-atlantic ocean. Upon crashing, you find a building which transports you to the devastated and war-torn land of Rapture. There you embark on a journey of discovery, betrayal, revenge, and get caught in the middle of a feud between two of the most influential powers in Rapture.
    The storyline in Bioshock is simply one of the greatest ever achieved in a video game. This epic tale of a once-utopia underwater city is original in itself. However, the true brilliance of the plot comes into focus by the way its told. Its subtle yet obvious mode of story telling creeps to the player through every subliminal way you can imagine-- posters, audio tapes, statues, even the water on the ground to the psychotic quotes from the splicers. Everything about the atmosphere is perfect. The slow leaking of the ocean water into Rapture makes you almost feel as though the city could be under taken any minute. The blood on the wall and corpses propped in horrid positions show that the inhabitants aren't only vicious, but utterly insane-- a side effect due to the bio-engineering that is plasmids and splicing. The entire world of Rapture springs to life in a way of dead silent corners and gives you the feeling that this must have been a truly great place before its fall. The subtitles, on the other hand, are a total mess. They work fine, but appear either too late or too early. Despite this, the world of Rapture is one, if not the, most stunning world ever created in a video game.

    Bioshock, the Beautiful
    When it comes to visuals, Bioshock is still one of the best out there, bar none. Still lagging behind Gears of War, the visuals for Bioshock are great; everything from the amazing flame effects to the epic water effects. textures are perfectly presented, however, some textures seem to repeat more then others, but only in the most minute of ways. Character models truly show the player just what happened to the citizens of Rapture (heck, if I looked like them I'd be crazy too) It shows the splicing effects it has on regular human beings, and gives you even more clues to Raptures past and present. Character animations are near perfect, no need harping on that. Big Daddies are some of the greatest looking characters in any video game, anywhere. Still, some of the splicers look maybe a bit stranger then they should, and you can find the same splicer on more then one occasion. All gun effects, including plasmids are as best as they could be. The best the FPS genre has ever seen.

    The lighting here is simply amazing

    Symphony in the Water
    The ambiance is Raptures single greatest feature. The drops of water, the psychotic rantings of splicers, or the busted whirring of the sentry bots add perfectly to the tense yet wondrous mood of the game. The sound of pistols firing, tommy guns blazing and rockets exploding into Big Daddie's helmets are spot on. Voice acting for everyone is only second to Mass Effect and GTA IV.(Well, maybe not GTA IV.) The 1940's style music is quite possibly the greatest part of the ambiance of Rapture. While not so subtle, it delivers the message constantly to the gamer that this is based in the early '60s, and that Rapture isn't your space-age utopia, like so many games before it. Even the Little Sisters and Big Daddies talk (and groan) in such ways that you might mistake those jumble of words for an actual conversation between the two. The symphony of Rapture plays without a single instrument (I'm gonna patent that quote)

    Expanding the genre
    The FPS genre has had a lot of AAA titles before it: Halo, Doom 3, System Shock 2 to name a few. But very few of those titles actually both perfected AND expanded on the genre the way Bioshock has. Bioshock fine tunes perfect gunplay with the strategic elements of ...
    by Published on May 14th, 2008 04:38

    Lets face it. Mario Kart Double Dash sucked. It was
    just too slow and two riders was simply retarded. It added nothing of interest but I guess slower
    karts.. Thats why when Mario Kart Wii was announced I was met with mixed feelings. If we
    got anything like Mario Kart DS all would be well but if they threw another Double Dash at us
    then its a whole different story!

    As more details began to emerge and my fears of a slow kart went away by the seeing videos I
    found myself with brand new fears of a "family friendly" kart game. A soft-core Mario Kart? No
    thanks! The DS didnt get that so why the Wii?

    Well now that I've spent some personal time with the game I have determined that while the game
    is considerably more "family friendly" than the previous versions it is still very enjoyable. The
    single player modes are very fast and locked at 60 frames, as I like it, and as much fun as it
    should be. However, the multiplayer is, and will always be where its at with Kart and that is no
    different here. Local multiplayer is fun and fast-ish.. The thing is it seems to be locked at 30
    frames! Ick! Oh well.. Everything else is as it should be.

    Here is where Kart shines. Online. Thats right. A Ninty game that is not only good online its
    nearly FLAWLESS. There is literally zero lag and everything is amazingly fast. Connecting takes
    seconds and its locked once more at 60 frames. Fan-freaking-tastic! My only complaint is that
    Battle Mode forces you to be on a team so that no one loses alone.. LAME. Oh and friend codes
    still suck. You can at least make rooms for your friends and even see if they're playing online
    without even starting the game via the Mario Kart Channel which is pretty sweet.

    Ninty once more has shown the world how to do a few major things on Wii with Mario Kart. Online
    here is an enormous step forward and devs should take notice. THIS IS HOW ITS DONE. Thats not all
    they did very right here though. Oh no, they also have pulled off waggle steering! While the Wii
    Wheel is little more than an extension of the "B" trigger the steering is great. I have had no
    interest in using any other control method and am even able to be just as competitive online as
    anyone using a joystick.

    My biggest complaint with this game is a little something called rubber banding. Basically if
    you're in first place get ready to be snapped back to dead last. Don't worry though because soon
    you'll snap back to first! Yeah its the family friendly crap again. No matter how good you are
    you simply wont win every race anymore like in the karts of old. Tragic.

    by Published on May 14th, 2008 03:49

    When Mario first jumped into the solo spotlight with his first NES game the gaming world would never again be same. He had a good run and when he hit 3D it looked like it would only get better for him. Sadly however his next game, Super Mario Sunshine, was not up to par with the previous entries and platformers as enormous hits looked like a thing of the past.

    Now with the platformer gasping for air we needed something big to save it. Mario Galaxy is just that. This game proves platformers are still alive and with this instance classic we're gonna be seeing a whole lot more.

    This game plays, looks and feels just about as good as it gets. Everything is fast, smooth, and most importantly of all FUN. You can almost sense what Miyamoto and Co. were grinning about when everyone called the Wii a gimmick. This game epitomizes Nintendo and the Wii itself.

    Nostalgia runs thick in this game with all the foes you've grown to love/hate from the past making their returns along with a few new ones. For any fan on Super Mario 64 this game is as simple as pick it up and start where you left off before on SM 64. Also at times you'll get this fantastic switch to a "2D" mode that couldn't be more like the even more retro SNES Mario games.

    Now since we all know how great this game plays (Let me stress this once more. It plays better than ANY Mario game in the past in my opinion.) let me now move on to how it looks. These ARE the best graphics on Wii period. Metroid Prime 3 looked great and all but this game just is gorgeous. The screen shots simply don't do the game justice. To fully appreciate it you need to see it in action. It is gorgeous.

    This time around you get several new "suits" for Mario to wear and each one is more awesome then the last. One of my new favorites is the Bee Suite if nothing else because it looks ridiculous. Nothing is funnier than Mario dressed like a bumble bee. Another good one is the Spring Suit. Its pretty much what you think.

    Presentation- 4.5
    Very high production values, co-op, Wiiconnect24 and its slick to boot.

    Graphics- 4.5
    Best on Wii period. Everything looks like a dream at a solid 60fps all the time.

    Sound- 5
    The best music and effects ever on a Mario game. Using a full orchestra for your music is genius.

    Gameplay- 5
    This is where the game shines. It plays simply perfect. From the controls to just how it feel. Everything is great.

    Lasting Appeal- 4.5
    More than 40 galaxies each completely different than the last, 120 stars to collect, and Wiiconnect24 support to show off you accomplishments. Can it get much better?


    As close to perfect as you can get..would of given it a 4.9 but there is no star for it. I will never give a game a 5 but man.. this was close.. ...
    by Published on May 14th, 2008 00:26

    Platform: PS3
    Developer: Polyphony Digital
    Genre: Racing Simulation
    Players: 1-16
    Price -
    PSN - £25
    Blu-ray Price - £20-£25

    Overview :
    You all know this game, a platform for all racing simulations. Ever since the first Gran Turismo on the PlayStation 1, people knew this game was going to go far, and my god it did.

    This game is somewhat classed as a demo, it was intended to be a little taster for whats to come (isnt that what a demo is anyway).

    Right from the greatly respected Gran Turismo 4 for the PlayStation 2. This game has quickly gained a vast fanbase, and all the games in the series are a must have for any racing fans.

    Gameplay :
    Right, this game has always been based on attention to detail with how the cars handle, it really shows. The physics are totally amazing, you need to use your racing lines to get good laptimes. You take a corner too fast, your plowed into a tyre wall.

    Each car has there own characteristics (weight, bhp, torque) and you can really tell. The weights of the cars are a big factor in this series, you need a light car to get round suzuka at any speed. The tuned lotus handles like a go-kart!

    When you finish the A Class you unlock a section called the Quick Tune, which is needed for the S Class. The a thing called performance points are thrown into play.

    A quick runthrough of performance points are, the more powerful, the less the weight and the better your tyres are, the more performance points you will have for that car. In the S Class you will come across races that have a MAX performance points limit. So you can't take a F1 into a low end car race.

    The quick tune is very important in the S Class. You need it to sometime downtune your car, or tune it up. While you can tune your car, to your personal prefrences like "toe in and outs" etc.

    There are quite a good selection of cars to say this is a teaser. There are sections for Car Brands and a section for the Gran Turismo tuned concept cars.

    The track selection is low, the well known real tracks avalible to race on are Suzuka, Fuji and daytona raceway. All of the tracks apart from Suzuka and Fuji, and quite boring. They are all very well made though.

    Online play is actually quite well done, while you get the noobs that do not know how to race and knock you off the track at ever given moment. You get the good games with people who can race. One of the recent updates for the game, applys something that makes people flash when they are out of control or about to someone. I dont like this, it takes the realism out of the game. The lack of a ranking/stat system takes all of the fun out of it. But the cash bonuses you recieve for a race makes you forget about it.

    The AI are better and more intellegent than ever. There lines aren't always spot on, they try and get out of the way when your stealing the slipstream. They are great.

    The penalty system SUCKS. You have the AI bump into the back of you, you get a ramming penality (you slow down for a certain number of seconds) while the offender screams past you. This is always happening, and in a important Class S race its the last thing you want.

    Graphics :
    What can I say? Ground breaking. Full 1080p, perfect models, perfect lighting. Perfect perfect perfect.

    The cockpits of the cars are all detailed as they should be in each car. Not a part out of place. Get into the F1 and try not to be amazed by the detail on the steering wheel. I dare you.

    All the tracks are beautifully designed just as they should be. Not a texture out of place, not a sign out of place. Not even a tree out of place. Perfect!

    I would go as far to say this is the most graphicly advanced game on the PS3 so far. (Maybe uncharted close?)

    Once more, PERFECT.

    Sound :
    The sound is alot very good in this game. All the car engines sound very realistic. Yet there is 1 problem....

    The tyre "squeals". Seriously, did they get this off GT1? They are way to high, to matter what car your in they sound the same. Trust me, around the Daytona Raceway its not fun "EEERRRRRRRRRR" round every corner. This needs a big improvement for the real GT5.

    The soundtrack is horrible for my music tasted. Its all plain boring dreery crap. The worst soundtrack out of all of them in my opinion, but it wont be marked down on the overall score because its my music taste.

    Replay Value :
    This game has little replay value, when the races are done, they are done. You get little eurge to get all gold, because you will have raced the oval about 100 times to get the F1 car that costs 2,000,000 credits. The online play isnt good enough to keep you occupied if its done, but for ...
    by Published on May 13th, 2008 23:50

    Information About The Game:
    Mario Kart wii is Kart racing game developed by Nintendo EAD and produced by Nintendo


    Many gamers (both casual and hardcore) have come to like the Mario Kart series. Can you blame them, it still is a fun racing game with some wacky antics and great replay value. With Mario Kart Wii being the latest in the franchise, fans expected to see a lot, and boy did Nintendo deliver. With new courses, new characters, 12 player online mode, inclusion of bikes, and of course motion sensing controls make the game one of the best in the series.

    In this new edition to the Mario Kart series, you can use 5 controllers to play the game. The 5 being...
    1. Wii Remote
    2. Wii Wheel
    3. Wii Classic Controller
    4. Wii Remote w/ Nunchuck
    5. Nintendo GameCube controller

    The Nintendo Gamecube controller and the classic controller being the easiest, the Wii remote w/ nunchuck being the most akward, and the Wii Wheel being the most fun. Being the fact that the Wii wheel was included with the game and that it is a fun way to play, you will probably use that one the most.

    Online Play in this game is probably the best online experience you will come to have on the wii. No lag, 12 players, and the ability to play online with 2 players on one console is great. That was one of my big concerns in Super Smash Bros Brawl. In the online mood, you can either race or battle. Each one you have a diffrent point system to show whether or not you are good at the game. It also includes the Mario Kart Wii channel, which is great to use so you can check online stats without popping in your disk. A nice feature is when you see the other players you are about to face, it shows on a globe where they live and there Mii (and the location is fairly accurate)

    New Characters include Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, Baby Daisy, Baby Peach, Diddy Kong, King Boo, Funky Kong, Rosalina, Dry Bowser, Toadette, Birdo, Bowser Jr, And of course, you can play as your favorite Mii! So THere is a lot to unlock and a lot to enjoy! The new stages are fun and exciting but the "classic" stages are now kinda boring in comparison. THe single players is basically the same thing as Mario Kart DS, but that can be considered not a bad thing. The problem is, on 150cc and on Mirror Mode, It has Rubber Band A.I (If an AI opponent falls far enough behind the rest of the drivers it suddenly receives an enormous boost in speed) Which can make the game very difficult. There Also a lot more items to enjoy that are all fun. But the downside is, this game is more luck then skill, more so than other Mario Kart games.

    Look we all know that the game is not HD, but the game looks surprisingly good. The Shadows were vastly improved from the other game and Character design is great.

    Classic Mario music remixed, and new tracks are what you can expect sound wise in Mario Kart Wii. Of course you will here the occasional WAHOOOO!!!!!, or YIPPIE!!!!!, or LETSAGO!!!!!!!, but other then that no deep phrases, Only complaint is hearing Diddy Kong's saying which sounds very bad, and i have no idea what he is saying. It is like AKILLIE!!!, What the hell is that, and since I play as Diddy Kong a lot, it annoys the hell out of me. I know, I know, I am nitpicking

    Replay Value:
    A Crapload of replay value considering the new tracks, characters, and a great online mode. You will keep coming back for more and more and more. and more...

    Mario Kart Wii is a fun game that you will come play over and over again. It has some flaws, but you can get over that to find solid gameplay, a nice online mode, and a lot of new features. One of the best on the Wii, and the best Mario Kart ever (of course, in my opinion).If you got a wii, buy the game.

    Sound 4/5
    Graphics 4.25/5
    Gameplay 4.75/5

    This has been a ninja9393 production. ...
    by Published on May 13th, 2008 23:00

    Viva Pinata
    Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
    Developer: Rare
    Genre: Life Simulation
    Players: 1-2

    At first glance, Viva Pinata may come off as a kids game, or even a girls game. In reality it is a game that people off all ages can enjoy! For those unfamiliar with Viva Pinata, the game is similar to Animal Crossing. The purpose of the game is to built your garden and attract various Pinata's to the garden by fullfilling various requirments.

    The game is controlled through a cursor in a "first person" sense. The gameplay is built for a PC, but it works remarkably well on the Xbox 360. You must build your garden from scratch using various tools at your disposal, later on in the game you will unlock shops that will allow you to buy ornaments, clothing, etc for your garden. Once you attract Pinata's you have the opportunity to breed them by filling certain requirments, once you have enough of one species, you will have the opportunity to send them to parties, or to sell them at the local shops for choclate coins.

    The graphics are beautiful, although my only complaint was the frame rate drop when the game decides to auto save. It is miniscule and really dosen't hurt the game play any.

    The audio is beautiful, the sound track is amazing like all the audio coming from Rare! The Dolby mix is remarkable and helps compement the game greatly.

    Their is a ton of replay value in this game, no two play throughs will be a mirror experince, along with the saying that no two gardens will be alike.

    I highly recommend you pick this game up, sadly it is in many bargin bins now.

    I though this review would be timely since the sequel was announced this morning for a September release date, I'm suprised how nothing gets leaked from Rare now a days! ...

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