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  • Game Review: Space Invaders Extreme (PSP)

    Publisher : Taito
    Developer: Taito
    Genre: Arcade Shooter
    Players: 1-4
    Price: $19.99

    Space Invaders is celebrating its 30th anniversary with a party that EVERYONE is invited to (just pay $19.99) lol

    This time around, Space Invaders comes shipped with some strategy by giving you a power up every time you hit four ships of the same color continuously. On the right side of the screen, you will find a power up bar, once you grab a power up, that bar will instantly start draining, so you better use your power wisely. If you want to save the power for later, simply hold the right trigger.

    If you see a shiny color changing ship hover across the top of your screen, hitting it will take you to a bonus level, complete that level, and you will be rewarded.

    Aside from a new look and slightly new feel, A new element is added: BOSS BATTLES! Yes, you heard right, now you can easily see each and every pixel forming a ship.

    Boss battles normally consist of one or two big ships, and a bunch of little ones, though the small ones may seem like a bother at first, DO NOT BE FOOLED! for they are the key to power ups, and power ups are they key to victory.

    Only three to go, and this guys are in for a blast! (if you have played the game, you will know what I am talking about)

    Space Invaders Extreme. As the name suggests, the game feels like they gave "extreme" amounts of drugs to the game making YOU think you are high. The game has DDR like backgrounds which seem to swirl and melt as you progress through the game. Even though the space ships still look the same but shinier, The game overall looks great, And it is the small details here and there that make it so.

    Is it just me, or are the aliens forming question marks? Don't worry, I am confused too.

    This game has techno music as its companion to to the visuals and it works great, what is even More amazing, is that every shot and explosion created, fits perfectly with the song.

    Each level comes with a brand new track that will keep your ears too busy to hear your mom asking you to clean up your room.

    Replay Value:
    Like most arcade games, Space invader has a great replay value, you will find that whether you have five minutes or two hours, you will be able to pick this up and start playing.

    normal bullets can usually do the job, but nothing beats a good ole hyper beam!

    YEA! that's what I'M talking about!

    Humpa doompa dompa dee doo, what do you get when you combine great graphics, addicting game play, and great tracks to go along? a must buy for you!

    I give this game a:

    my review survey
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Game Review: Space Invaders Extreme (PSP) started by fg-54 View original post
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